it has been an incredibly fun and tiring week at the geddes household. my wonderful family (excluding my poor brother *jasper) were able to come for a week (end) getaway this past week. my parents and the *shag got into the dc airport at 10:45 pm on wednesday. so the night was short, but we took advantage of our fruity selves by using iphoto booth. man this thing is fun.
here is the creepiest picture possible! this is what the humidity did to my dad :)
the next day we took advantage of unique ~ the incredible walmart sized thrift store.
i will post my finds at a later date!
my little brother is the activities director for his school and has recently instated "wildlife wednesdays" this is a day that the school will be united by wearing wildlife garb. sick. i know.
anyways my mom found these wolf suspenders that proved to be a perfect addition to his already growing wardrobe of discustingness!

taryn and ryan got in on thursday, and we all went out to dinner at pf changs. so scrumptious.

here are my awesome parents after dinner! isnt my mom a babe

on friday we went down to dc to look at the sights. again here is one hott mama at the vietnam memorial.

sam picked this flower (right in front of the gardner i might add) to leave at the memorial

the kids with honest abe.

sam looks a little disgusted to be at this house! :)

these are the signatures on the constitution. it was really hard to get a decent picture because there was no flash photography allowed.

later that night we enjoyed a little ben and jerrys

close to our house there is a fountain that kids play in all day and night. well taigen my dad and i decided it would be fun to make a little bet to see who could run through it without getting wet. we each succeeded in getting across twice before some little kid got in my path causing me to get drenched. pretty funny actually, minus the $20 i had to give to taigen for LOSING!

on saturday we went into dc again to look at some of the smithsonians. here we are at one.

our nations capitol. it really is such a beautiful building.

but lets be honest this building is alot prettier. and way less corrupt:)

my dad laid down to get a picture of the steeples after which he had a hard time getting back up! ha i love old scottie dawg. he did so many FUNNY things this trip! i dont know what these chemo treatments are doing to him! :)

sunday we went to arlington cemetery and watched the changing of the guards. what a beautiful place to visit. it is incredible how many men and women who have fought and died for our country. and those buried here arent even half of them.

after the cemetery we enjoyed a nice baseball game. the nationals vs. cubs. GO CUBBIES. they wooped the nationals! last summer our whole family saw the cubs play at wrigley field so it was really fun to see them again all together.

*taranch and *shag!

of course you have to eat hotdogs at a game~! ryans brother greg and his wife carly were able to come on saturday night from philadelphia and spend sunday with us. that was a max of 9 people sleeping in a one bedroom apartment. it was super fun (they are in the back ground!)

for those of you that know my mom, you know that she can sleep anywhere! it was no different this trip! we caught her plenty of times "resting her eyes" :)

after the game taryn and ryan and greg and carly had to make there way back to where they came from, so the rest of us decided we should head up to NYC for a couple of days. POOR SAM had to drive through that crazy city! our hotel was right next to time square so it was incredibly hectic! but he did awesome and we arrived and departed safely!

im not going to lie sam and i didnt really think we would go back to new york for a long time because we went there on vacation around 4 months ago, but it was alot of fun to see everything again and to know what we should and shouldnt do!

resting by miss liberty

on our fairy ride from the statue of liberty to ellis island, we got a little crazy. we were squeezing eachothers lips and trying to stick out our tongues. it was really funny. (maybe just to us though)

ellis island in the grand hall!

im seriously not kidding about my mom falling asleep ANYWHERE! here we are on the subway. ON THE SUBWAY! :)

the craziest thing happened on monday night. we were determining where we should go and eat dinner, and decided on bubba gumps in time square. as we were walking i was looking at all the people we were passing by and saw a girl that looked so familiar... as i was saying that looks like kirsten dean, i saw kelsey hodge with her and was liKE HOLY CRAP KIRSTEN AND KELSEY. and sure enough it was them! its crazy how you can be clear across the nation in one of the biggest cities in the world and see people you know really well walking down the same street at the same time and to be even crazier staying in the EXACT SAME hotel as you! it was really funny to see them. its always great to see a familiar face!

some random guy is giving sam bunny ears. i thought it was super funny

around 11 pm the boys decided they were tired and needed to go to bed. the three of us girls werent ready to leave the streets of the city that never sleeps, so we stayed out and walked around till around 1:30. i always thought that new york was a pretty scary place, but honestly i dont think anything bad could have happened because there were SO many people everywhere. we felt completely safe even just the three of us that late!

the next day we went to rockafeller. we were going to go to the top, but it was too hazy that day and there was no visibility!

a stop down fifth avenue. dont worry i tried on a tiffanys ring :)

yes folks we landed on the moon. its official.

we were having way to much fun in FAO schwartz.

beautiful central park.

we had so much fun with my family. it is so wonderful to break up the summer a little bit when your working so hard. (definitely not me... but sam) it was not only great to spend time with my family but to have sam around all day long for a solid week. for those of you that are summer sales wives, you know that you
dont get the pleasure of spending the summer together, so it was great to be with him for that long. we only have 20 more working days here and then we will be heading home!
we have really enjoyed our time out here and sam has an awesome boss and co workers, but its true, theres no place like home! wish us luck with the next 20 days!
until next time