Wednesday, April 22, 2009

a love tap.

well i needed to waste about 30 minutes before i went on a visit, so i decided to stop at one of my favorite stores Vain and Vintage... anyways i usually park on the right side of the one-way street but saw an opening on the left without any cars around.. so i thought oh i'll park there today... bad idea..

i walked into the store and about thirty seconds later heard a horrible screeching/grinding noise and then a loud bang.. OH NO.

i ran outside to see a spinning tire and a man yelling that tire hit that car.. ha oh jeeze!

a boy got the tires on his truck rotated today.. but i guess it wasnt properly fixed. as he turned the corner the tire flew off and rolled into the back of my car. sad. its not tons of damage, but enough that i want it fixed... a few scratches, a few dents, and a few scuffs.

good thing LES SCHWAB is paying for both the damage to my car and the other kids. 

needless to say... i didnt go on that visit. :)

oh yeah sam and i got dinosaur tattoos. awesome.


Taryn said...

What? When did this happen? Call me.

The Larsons said...

Oh no!! What a random event!? And your new car? I think you have a new car or maybe it's Taryn or both of you? haha either way thats no sorry!

Michelle Ross said...

love the tats

Michelle said...

oh my!!! ha! ha! that is so funny. I guess I can say that because it's all getting taken care of.Les Schwab just moved up on my list. How lucky for your car to be in the path of that runaway tire. Alas. Well, dinosaur tats do make everything better, don't they? :)

Congrats on your new calling. You'll do fabulous. And you'll be amazed at how much you can do over the phone and e-mail while you are away for a few months. You could use Skype for your presidency meetings! Haha. No wait. I'm serious about that.

stephani said...

Ha! Kyr I love you. Is your fish really named Walter too? HOW COOL! I'm sorry about your lovely car..things like that BUG BIG TIME! PS I'm really in love with your hair and also..get excited for your nifty gifty! (if you don't watch the office you wont understand the nifty gifty thing :)

Where are you guys going for the summer again? I thought it was D.C. then someone told me no..Seattle, then Texas so... I dunno. People are spreadin' rumors about you Kyrst!

Lusks in LOVE said...

bummer!!! I love vain and vintage:) and yes...wink wink:)


How sad about your car. I'm glad they are going to fix it. Nice tatoos by the way.

Alisha said...

Oh that's scary I'm sorry!!! Cute tats by the way (on a happier note)

Liesel said...

Can I just tell you how much I love you? Sweet tats. The car is definitely a bummer--at least the responsible party is paying for it!