Friday, November 5, 2010

a place of love and beauty.

sometimes i just dream. dream up what a beautiful place my home will be someday. today has been one of those days. i have been dreaming of our bedroom.

yes, watching hgtv for the past 4 hours has probably contributed to this bursting desire.

the past oh i dont know 5 houses we have lived in, our bedroom has been completely disregarded. but im determined not to let that happen again.

i found these little sweeties at the di the other day. $1 each.

a nice coat of paint and removing those lovely silhouettes helped a little bit.
this blue looks really turquoise, but its not. its called bahama sea. and it is the best blue. dont believe what the pictures say, because the color is totally different.

a little more burlap art and a G for geddes- duh!
sorta cute.
im going to use this blue. a light baby blueish grey. white. black. red and burlap in our future room. at least for today thats my idea.
remember these? probably not. i got them like a million years ago for $7. yes they will be used. with lots of milk glass all over the place.
ok this is the bahama sea blue. but it still looks different.
and that baby blue. ah love it.

these are from google but my cutie grandparents just gave me two end tables that look similar. i think they will look fabulous in that baby blue color.
and hopefully a bed looking a little something like this too.

i want to make a burlap bed skirt. looking something like this. ah. whats with my burlap love these days?
(all images via google) minus the first 4

this is from one of my favorite new blogs called vintage revivals. i think without realizing it this was an inspiration for the colors im digging on for our upcoming sanctuary!

now i have to stop dreaming and start painting.

ps. do any of you know how to lead music? i just got a new calling and need to learn...



Janet said...

I absolutely love those colors together! I think your future room will look fabulous! I always dream about what my future house will look like and how I will decorate it. So fun! Love you so much and miss you. I think about you lots. Hope to see you soon!

spencerandmolly said...

oooh i love all of it. let's go thrift store shopping. K? K. i agree with you, i loved talking to you. you are the sweetest person ever!

i love blue. my kitchen was blue :( and it was my favorite color in my house. but i am going to paint it the same color.

Anonymous said...

I'm just like you, always dreaming up what my house is going to look like someday, but instead I draw house plans. I'm not creative like you!

I know how to lead music :) I used to be ward chorister and ward music chair in my last ward.

Cardon Family said...

I love the colors!! You are sooo creative....always a little project up your sleeve!:)