my family is really bad with needles. and by bad, i mean BAAD. blood, needles all that jazz. we just dont do well with it.
i didnt think this pertained to me though. i have never really had a problem with any of that.
i thought i was the exception to the rule
i guess that has changed.
i was asked to give blood at the institute on tuesday. i thought sure... lots of people's blood helped my dad, i should really give back.
so in i pranced like it was no thing! heck i have given blood before its no big deal.
turns out it is a big deal. for me.
i give blood no problem.
i am told to raise my arm so that the blood can clot?
now theres a problem.
the next thing i know i am feeling really weird, quite dizzy and feeling like ive never felt before.
i feel myself sinking- like levels in my mind- and i know i have passed out but im not really sure what is happening.
again, the next thing i hear is "KYRSTEN!" i open my eyes and there are 6 people standing above me. i have ice in both of my hands, wet rags on my head and on my chest, and my back is SOAKING in sweat!
some lady then says your chest is going to be really sore later today… i had to rub it to try and wake you up.
she wasn’t kidding. it still hurts.
45 seconds down.
oh man. im feeling so weird still. a little nauseous now.
crap. there are at least 50 people in the gym looking at me now.
yes im really feeling nauseated. please hand me a big green garbage bag!
and it starts. its not quiet either. i dont do quiet puke!
hurling, shaking, cold sweats.
why did i decide to give blood?
after about 20 minutes in the blood chair i decided it was time to move upstairs.
theres a nice little couch in a dark corner of the institute and that was where i was going to rest until sam was done with class.
still feeling nauseous so i decide to take another green bag with me.
sam picks me up. still feeling bad.
we start driving. doesnt help.
more vomitting.
i cant move. i stay in bed all day. seriously all day.
looks like my grand idea to make a few extra dollars a month wont be happening. my guess is giving plasma will be just as deadly!
be nice to me. i gave blood on tuesday… J