What an EXcItIng couple of weeks! Weddings have been happening EVEryWhere! Recently I was able to go to DENVER for one of my BEST FRIENDs WEDdINGs! BRiAnnE PRICe was the BriDE! It was so much fun to fly in and spend a couple of days with great friends! Erica and Samantha flew in at the sAMe time as me so we were able to take time and help Brianne and her MOm with the lASt few things for the wedding! AFter the wedding, I flew to SALT Lake to head home for ANOther BEsT friends wedding! This time the Bride was SARaH NOorda! AGain it was great to be able to spend time with FAmilY and old FRiendS! I will admit that it was a little WEiRd staying a week at my PaREnts house! But So much fun! It was really hard to be aWAY from SAM for 11 days... i WiSH so bad HE could have come with me! While I was HOme, I got to spend a Few Days in the DeSirED BeaR LAke! my FIRSt time at the BEAch all SUMMEr!!!! it was wonderful! i was also able to spend some time with SAms family and Say GooDBye to his brother DeCker because he is moving to SeaTTle! also i was able to Go to the ALL FamouS PrESTon NIght RoDEO!! what a fun time that is! along with ALl of that, my Niece ViCtoRia was BleSSed so I was able to witness that! What a GREat 11 DAys, I cant Wait till we are home for GOoD!! NOt ToO much LongER!! My fLIght home however was a little HeCTiC! i was supposed to get to CHicAGo at 3:00 pm... tuRns Out i Didnt get there till 2:30 AM!!! My fLight was CANCELLEd so i Found a New ONe! It was supposed to get there at 8:00 this time! I was able to Fly from SLC to ATLANTa in FIrST CLASS!! wow we will NEVer fly COach AGAIN!! :) but then while on my FLiGHt From aTLANTa to ChicaGo... we sAt on the RUnway in the PLANe for 3 hours... finally they let us back into the airport... supposedly the weAtHEr in ChicaGo was hORRiblE! So once we Finally got in the AIr... the AIr TraffIC was HOrriBle and we couldnt lAND... We FLew around IN CIrCLES until we ALMOST rAn out of GAS..... So we HAd to Land In St LOuis.... we WEre there for ANOther HOUR!!! so.... literally i was TravELing from 7Am to 3Am! What a FLight ScHedule! by the way that FLight SHOuld have been 3 HouRS... :) well IM home and with My sWEETheart and Ive NEVer been HAPpIEr! LIFe is SO gREat and Marriage is even GReATer! I have a FabUlOUs Husband, FamILy, and FrIends!
BACheLorEtte PArty
New Glasses
2 weeks ago
How fun! I'm glad you got your blog back up. It looks realy cute.
tig you are so beautiful im sorry your travels back home were so crazy. i miss you already. it was so fun to hang out again, i hope that your excited to be back home with sam. im sure he is. those pictures are so cute not of me tho not so hot on those haha but you always loooook beautiful love you tig and now i can live up to my name bitty cause they are bitty little itty bitty titty!! haha love you ang
Hey QT! I am so excited to add your blog to my list! I love the name!!! You guys are so darling! We missed you in Bear Lake, hopefully we will get to see you soon! Love ya.
just checking in.love the new pic's ! I hope your mom is ready for pre-school. Tell her HI from us -k-
ha ha... I like the pic of Bree's wedding where Noelle's big, fugly face is blocked out. Bwa ha ha ha! Seriously... cute pics and fun blog. A for you!
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