ReaDing and Writing and Arithmatic... That is what we are up to now! IT seems as though we have had no CHanCe of a brEAk! WE officially got back into POCaTellO on SunDay MOrning at 1 AM! And Started school on MOnday! My house is still a disaster! but it is SOO gooD to be HOMe! we are lOVing lIVing in pocatello again and dont worry Sam HAs already taken WELL the ADvAntaGe of 2 FriSbeE gOlf courses close by! WE are just getting back into the grove of things and are ready for organization! It will get there eventually... SLOWLY but suRely! WE are really excited because tomorrow we are heading to ISlAnd PArK! YAY!! we LOVe LAbOR dAY! it will be so much fun to spend some time in the wilderness with good company and as always good fooD! We are sad many of you dont get to come this time and wish you were! By the way who is coming?? ANYOnE? WE hope everyone else is enduring the start of school and enjoying getting back into the groove of things! IM so glad to be close to FaMily and FriendS again! I need to Post some PIctures of our adventure home, but im at school now and dont have the camera or the cords! it will happen soon though! Just wanted to say hi and let you all know we made it home safe and sound!
New Glasses
2 weeks ago
I am so glad you made it home safely! School is always a bummer, but I bet it is so nice to be close to those you love!! Iam sure Ill see you on campus!!Get excited about it!
It was fun to get to see you so soon! That was kinda crazy~! I hope you got all settled in. School is kinda depressing isn't it?
excuse me, but would you like to be our poor unfortunate souls? More like we are lame unfortunate souls who dont ever hang out with anyone. Haha but HEY you should come to my play! Addie and I were talking about it yesterday! that rymed.
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