ok... i guess it really is time to update. its kinda crazy how fast time can go in between posts! Well for those of you who dont know... me, sam, our friends rob and brittany, and larry and rebecca went to BEAR LAKE for the weekend! it was alot of fun! our grandparents let us stay in their cabin, and we had a ball! we played lots of games ate, ate tons of food, and watched movies! we were also able to go to a session in logan! what a BEAUTIFUL place to be! i love that temple! the reason we had this fun little get together, is because me and sam are moving to chicago next week! i know really crazy, rob and brittany are moving to texas for the summer, and larry and rebecca are moving to iowa for chiropractic school. so we were having our last whoorah before we all part our ways. we are sad to see everyone leaving, but are excited for the new adventures that we will all have. also this week is dead week, supposedly a break before the big finals. well we are all cramming our studying and trying to get packed for the move.. to be honest though.. im not nearly as stressed as i should be.. hence im blogging! :) but im sure thats not even remotely a surprise to any of you! well to those who are taking finals this week or next week... may you be blessed! good luck! we love you all and hope to see you on sunday may 4th at my parents house!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Well here they are! this trip was a blast im so glad my husband talked me into going on my FIRST backpacking trip! it was definitely a fun experience. for those of you who dont know... what was supposed to be a 5 mile hike turned into a 13 mile hike with 30 pound backpacks on our backs! wow! we were hiking until 10:30 at night! good thing i have a wonderful husband!!! :) he really was great to me though! we carried my pack along with his for about a mile and after that the men took us to a hotel for a good nights rest on something besides a sleeping bag! i loVe my life and my husband!!! and i know... i posted way to many pictures!! Sam was trying to beat the timer on the camera... his arm looks silly!
Posted by sam and kyrsten at 9:01 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Go SHAG GO SHAG ITS your BIrthday! well not really it was yesterday! but happy birthday anyways! we love yoU! also a happy birthday shout out to my mother in law shauna! your great!
Posted by sam and kyrsten at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
an update
ok so i know its been awhile since ive posted... but i honestly dont know what to write... besides that i need to put up new pictures of our backpacking trip ive got nothing... the problem with the pictures is that everytime im on this thing... i dont have them with me! so i guess ill just do a post that alot of people have been seeming to do lately! a post of what makes me happy and what im grateful for. so here it goes....
im so thankful for my dear husband. he is the sweetest man in the world and treats me like a queen
im so thankful for my family. i have wonderful parents and sisters and brothers
im so thankful for sams family. they have welcomed me into their family and have made me feel like a part of it
im so thankful for my Savior. That he has atoned for my sins and stupidity and loves me no matter what.
im thankful for the gospel in my life. im thankful that my husband is a worthy priesthood holder in the gospel
im so thankful for the temple! what a wonderful place to go! it just makes me so HAPPY!
im so thankful for sunshine! i am thrilled that its almost summer!
im thankful for study guides. Im thankful for the nice teachers that dont try to trick you when your taking a test!
im thankful for little kids and babies! it seems that right now everyone is pregnant or is having babies! I guess it is "MATING SEASON"!!! :)
im so thankful for snuggling! i love curling up on the couch and watching a good movie with my sweetheart!
im so thankful for research. that people have dedicated their lives in finding a cure and relief for many who are sick!
im thankful for how strong my dad is and how he just keeps going NO MATTER WHAT!
and finally im so thankful for tithing! i know its a weird one! but wow we receive so many blessings from paying it.
ok i guess i put enough... its good for me to honestly realize all the things im thankful for and all of my blessings. sometimes we just get too busy and dont notice really how wonderful our lives really are! i hope all of you are counting your blessings too! i love ya!
Posted by sam and kyrsten at 12:29 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Picture Perfect!
Well everyone here are the much anticipated Louisiana pictures! just a few to let you get a glimpse of all the fun we had! ill post some from our backpacking trip soon! Enjoy! Jackson Square New Orleans!
Posted by sam and kyrsten at 7:22 PM 7 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
TONIGHT!!! a HYPNOTIST show starring the one the only ABRACADAN!!!! its going to be AWESOME! everyone please come and support Sams older brother Dan! it will start at 7:00 pm.. its a friendly fun environment! get a babysitter and come on a date with your sweetheart! it is $3 with your activity card and $4 without one! it is at a place called Four Square Rock church or something! its really easy to get to... before you go over the overpass by alberstons turn left on 2nd and its like the 2nd building to your right! in an old warehouse church! PLEASE PLEASE COME for more info call me 3801000! Thanks for your support everyone!
Posted by sam and kyrsten at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
my abc's
So i got tagged to do this forever ago.. but i procrastinate...
A-Attached or single: definitely ATTACHED!
B- Best Friend: Sam and my sisters... and Brianne
C-Cake or Pie: i dont really love either of them... except the pie at Butterburrs is INCREDIBLE
D-Day of Choice: Saturday is a special day its the day we get ready for sunday... :)
E- Essential Item: bags
F- Favorite Color: green... like not forest green or kelly green but light green
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: gummi worms
H- Hometown: Pocatello
I- Indulgence(s): CANDY! i love candy... every time i go to the grocery store i buy a candy bar
J- January or July: july! no doubt about it
K-Kids: im baby hungry but no...
L-Life is incomplete without: my husband and my family!
M- Marriage Date: September 22, 2007
N- Number of Siblings: 3
O- Oranges or Apples: oranges... but not orange juice
P- Phobias or Fears: driving... well sitting in the passengers seat
Q- Quotes: "show by your attitude that you are enjoying the journey"
R- Reason To Smile: i have the cutest husband alive
S- Season: SUMMER!! and i love fall too... i love to start wearing sweaters, crunch leaves, and get ready for school time... and Halloween, but i love camping, the beach, and no school in the summer
T- Tag Six:I think everyone has already done it.
U- Unknown Fact About Me:I wish i could paint! ive always wanted my own canvas' and paints
V- Vegetarian or Animal eater: i like meat
W- Worst Habit:can it be a habit i dont have... i dont work out... EVER
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds:honestly i have no idea
Y- Your Favorite Food:wow all kinds... but i love fruit.. and chicken
Z- Zippers or Zebras: zebras! what kind of a comparison is that
Posted by sam and kyrsten at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Happy Birthday Tar!!
Hey everyone its TARYNS birthday! she is a fool baby! ha T i hope you have a great day! your a wonderful sister and i love you so much! even when i tell you that your grumpy.... YOur such a good example to me and i think the world of you! i love ya sis!!!
Posted by sam and kyrsten at 12:19 PM 1 comments