Tuesday, June 15, 2010

pop art

wow. im blogging a lot lately. i guess summer is back in full swing because my blog is being updated regularly. and dont worry im happy about it. taryn told me that payback was a jerk- because of my last post... she will forgive me! eventually... :)

i have been dying to decorate lately. it feels like SO long since i have actually taken the time to make my apartment look presentable. and even then... it wasnt so presentable!
for about the first year and a half of our marriage we kept the same apartment (which was decorated- sort of) then we moved to dc- i dont decorate in the summers- then the day that we moved into our next apartment in pocatello, we started school. sadly, almost everything we owned stayed in their boxes. spring semester we moved out and lived on the road. sorry no decorating there either. and now its summer again and i find it useless to decorate this little place of ours...

but DONT WORRY. i am planning! the next place we move into will be decorated to my wits end! i swear it. in fact i told sam we are going to get an apartment at the beginning of august so that i can go and 'prep' it before we actually move in. therefore, things wont stay in their boxes and we will be a much happier pair!

with all of that said, i have been creating the magnificent space that will soon be our apartment in my mind. sam and i really want to use our travels as part of our home decor.

sooo... i was planning on turning a bunch of photos that the two of us have taken into black and whites, but started messing with them and changed the contrast and got kind of these 'pop art' feeling photos. im actually pretty stoked about them. they will definitely bring a unique flare to our place! i havent decided the ones im going to use, but ive done quite a few and still plan on doing more so that my options are plenty!

what do you think?

i think that some are obviously cooler than others, but i want to know what your favorites are!



vanessa said...

I actually really love that pop art finish on serious pictures. It's different and brings out colors you don't expect. They're all good, but I really like the bird picture. Taylor and I keep meaning to keep a list of decorations we want for our house, but we never did and now we are clueless where to begin, so I definitely think taking the time to prep beforehand is a good idea.

ps keep this blogging up. i love it.

Erin_C said...

I have also been going over in my head how i want to decorate our place in michigan when we move. I've had the exact same decor for all four years of our marriage and i'm ready for something new!

i LOVE the cool reddish/brownish building with the clock. really love.

ever considered like selling some of your pictures? i remember one that you posted of some boats in a harbor (maybe oregon?) that i also loved and thought i would love in our home.

Taryn said...

All the pictures are great and I think they would look awesome in your home! You are so so so talented sister.

I ALSO have been having a major desire to redecorate...probably a post of my own coming on that soon :)

Love you. Stella loves you too!

Melissa said...

Wow those are amazing! My very most favorites are the Lincoln Memorial and Delicate Arch. I also love the fourth pic down (the greens are phenomenal), both buildings with the clocks (red one and white one with a steeple), and the brilliant blue one in Cancun. So awesome!

Alicia and Blake said...

You can come and decorate my house if you want... I don't have a creative bone in my body. There are only a few pictures up in the living room and that is it. :- ) I like those pictures though, good touches!

Kendra@My Insanity said...

Love it! There are a lot of fun ways to play with photos and make them more artsy. These really pop! Some of them would look cool in b&w, but for a lot of them, I think your color treatment is much more interesting. I'd love to see them hanging on your wall!