Dont get me wrong. I am definately enjoying Chicago.. but honestly all we have done since we've gotten here is WORK! holy moly! :) sam goes into work everyday at 10:30 I go in at 11:30 and we both get finished around 9-9:30. Talk about exhausting days. I guess that is what we set out to do this summer though right. Sams job description= find pests. exterminate pests. make lots of MONEY! Mine= answer phones. use the computer. file papers. Thrilling right? ok i know i sound very negative and i apologize. life is good! Im so excited for my family to come in like 10 days! we are going to have a BLAST! Wicked, the cubs game, Nauvoo, so much fun will be had! By the way for those of you wondering sam is doing awesome with his sales! he is a very persuasive man! :) well we love you and hope life is good with all of you! keep us updated on whats going on! we miss you!
Sully Baby
1 week ago